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Who we are

A Startup that revolutionized the management of exposure to ionizing radiation.  

Vanellus is a Startup that develops cutting-edge technologies that protect and enhance human life.  Our mission is to ensure safe radiation dose exposure through real-time monitoring.

Vanelllus Timeline

Discover the history of Vanellus.

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Voted Best Business of the Year in the Startups competition of the Zenit program AcelerEA – UFRGS Technological Park


Residents of the Vibee UNIMED Program


NOVUS Angel Investment


Partnership with Hospital de Clinicas de Porto Alegre


Approved in the first stage of the Public Notice for Innovation in Industry 2021 (EGII)


Entry in the patent application of VANELLUSRAD in the Revista da Propiedade Industrial Process BR 102021010299-3


Approved in the second stage of the Public Notice for Innovation in Industry 2021 (EGII)

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Meet our team

João Pedro Kleinubing Abal

Co-Founder and Executive Director

Physical Engineer, Master in Physics (UFRGS)

Experience in basic research, physical instrumentation, firmware/software programming and DataScience.


Ricardo Razera

Co-Founder and Chief Technology Officer

Physical Engineer (UFRGS), Medical Physicist (PUCRS), Master in Materials Engineering (PUCRS) and Doctor in Microelectronics (UFRGS)

Experience in basic research, materials science, physical instrumentation, electronics and hardware development.


Daniel Jochelavicius

Co-Founder and Chief Financial Officer

Mechanical Engineer (UFSC), MBA Finance (Insper)

Experience in Business Intelligence, Pricing, CRM, Business Planning, Database Programming and DataScience.

Want to know more?

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(54) 99186 5563

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